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Thornton Dial (1928–2016)
Thornton Dial (1928–2016)
Elaine and I found our way to Dial’s art in 2011, when we went to Indianapolis Museum of Art just to spend an afternoon and spent it looking at “Hard Truths: The Art of Thornton Dial” and little else.
Thornton Dial (1928–2016)
Art Store
Art Store
Art Store, by the artist Barry Fellman, recreates the now-defunct Pearl Paint flasgship store
Art Store
Robert Walser, Looking at Pictures
Robert Walser, Looking at Pictures
Walser writes about paintings (by his brother Karl, Fragonard, Watteau, Van Gogh, Cezanne, and others) as if no one had ever thought to do so before.
Robert Walser, Looking at Pictures
Art Brut in New York
Art Brut in New York
From The New York Times: “Talk about the shock of the new.”
Art Brut in New York
The Armory Show
The Armory Show
The Art Institute of Chicago has online a virtual trek through the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art, the exhibition known as th...
The Armory Show
When we put together two large feltboards with my dad‘s artwork, we were puzzled by this item, made from a bread clip.
Lucky Lulu
Lucky Lulu
A label for Lucky Lulu Frozen Perfume, as seen at the Chicago Cultural Center.
Lucky Lulu
Cartoon plagiarism
Cartoon plagiarism
“How bad are you at editing that you couldn’t notice your ‘cartoonist’ has been wildly swinging from one style to another, like Tarzan on Red Bull?”
Cartoon plagiarism
Tobias Frere-Jones on cigar-box edging
Tobias Frere-Jones on cigar-box edging
“Everything is collected by somebody, and I’m grateful for that. Ephemera, the fragile snapshots of everyday design, would be lost without collectors.”
Tobias Frere-Jones on cigar-box edging