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My representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), has announced that he will not seek reelection. Good riddance.
It ain’t over till it’s over, but I’m pretty confident that Elizabeth Warren has already won tonight’s debate.
At the table
At the table
“We should continue to focus on kitchen-table pocketbook issues.” That’s boilerplate language.
At the table
“He can’t look a child in the face and justify why this country is throwing them in cages, so instead he tells us I should go back to the great borough of the Bronx and make it better, and that’s what I’m here to do.”
Genius at work
Genius at work
The “true Stable Genius” tagged a retired teacher and coach whose tweets are decidedly not in favor of the president.
Genius at work
C-SPAN reveals all
C-SPAN reveals all
As with two-person political debates, the best place to see the Trump Fourth speech was C-SPAN, which cut away again and again for shots of the crowd.
C-SPAN reveals all
Brief debate thoughts
Brief debate thoughts
As for Bill de Blasio's self-presentation as an advocate for working people: LOL, LOL.
Brief debate thoughts
A Trump administration official who carries a whip. What would Richard Cohen say?
Imaginary call
Imaginary call
“Yes, they call that a dangling participle. Not many people know that. The Norwegians called me about it.”
Imaginary call
The situation
The situation
“I can tell you, knowing the president for a good 25 or 30 years, that he would love to have the situation that Viktor Orbán has, but he doesn’t.”
The situation
Hillary Clinton on how to proceed
Hillary Clinton on how to proceed
The idealist in me says Impeach! Because if not Trump, then whom? But pragmatism might make better sense.
Hillary Clinton on how to proceed
Toilet trouble
Toilet trouble
From WBEZ, Chicago: “Democratic Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, his wife and his brother-in-law are under federal criminal investigation for a dubious residential property tax appeal that dogged him during his gubernatorial campaign last year.”
Toilet trouble
“Others say”
“Others say”
NPR does its listeners no service by presenting “Others say it didn’t happen” as a legitimate point of view.
“Others say”
George Conway on fiduciary obligations
George Conway on fiduciary obligations
“Fiduciaries are people who hold legal obligations of trust, like a trustee of a trust. A trustee must act in the beneficiary’s best interests and not his own. If the trustee fails to do that, the trustee can be removed, even if what the trustee has done is not a crime. So too with a president.”
George Conway on fiduciary obligations
“No matches were found”
“No matches were found”
Leave it to Mr. Barr to make the redacted report available as non-searchable PDF. But someone’s already made a searchable version.
“No matches were found”
Pete Buttigieg on being gay and being married
Pete Buttigieg on being gay and being married
“And speaking only for myself, I can tell you that if me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade. And that’s the thing that I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand. That if you’ve got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”
Pete Buttigieg on being gay and being married
A lying narcissist with a big tie. But any resemblance to a real person is purely coincidental.