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Saturday night lineup
Saturday night lineup
Is there a viewer anywhere who can name every current Saturday Night Live cast member?
Saturday night lineup
On The 11th Hour, Brian Williams just characterized Republican distancing from Donald Trump* as a Great Migration and “a family trip to Africa.”
A concise description
A concise description
“A spray-tanned, drugged-up pitchman for Regeneron”: on MSNBC, David Plouffe just offered this concise description of Donald Trump*.
A concise description
Calamari on the beach
Calamari on the beach
Many people found Rhode Island’s presentation delightful. But mileage varies. I found this bit deeply, unintentionally weird, in that low-budget-TV-commercial way.
Calamari on the beach
Eugene Levy, honored
Eugene Levy, honored
In these terrible times, I liked seeing this video with fellow actors paying tribute to Eugene Levy, recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Newport Beach Film Festival. And I went down an SCTV rabbithole.
Eugene Levy, honored
On Jeopardy a few minutes ago, someone answered a question about “Donald Trump’s second wife” with “Who is Ivanka Trump?”
Domestic comedy
Domestic comedy
“We have some new polling to show you, and it shows some trouble for the Trump campaign.” Followed by spontaneous applause from our four hands.
Domestic comedy