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Florida Citrus responds
Florida Citrus responds
The Florida Department of Citrus has responded to Alissa Hamilton's book Squeezed: What You Don't Know About Orange Juice: "The basic principle of orange juice processing is similar to how you make orange juice at home."
Florida Citrus responds
David Barringer on books
David Barringer on books
"A book is like a body part, and when you die and your connection to the book is broken, the book dies a little, too."
David Barringer on books
No Kindle for me
No Kindle for me
"The craving for content-on-demand seems to miss the ways in which one might want to go back to a book — one's own copy of it — over time, as it accumulates annotations, as it begins to show wear, as it turns into a record of one's reading and one's life experience. And how does one inscribe a gift book on the Kindle?"
No Kindle for me