New York cheesecakeBill Madison presents the World’s Best Recipe for Authentic New York Cheesecake.#food#NewYorkCity··Jun 9, 2013New York cheesecake
On Duke Ellington’s birthdayFrom a 1944 New Yorker profile: Ellington on food.#DukeEllington#food#jazz#music··Apr 29, 2013On Duke Ellington’s birthday
Sriracha ≠ mayonnaise“Hot sauce must be hot.”#food··Apr 20, 2013Sriracha ≠ mayonnaise
Les Blank (1935–2013)“He shot what he wanted, captured it beautifully, and those subjects are now gone.”#film#food#music··Apr 9, 2013Les Blank (1935–2013)
Wallace Stevens on persimmons“I have far more things to eat and far more things to drink than are good for me. I indulge in abstemious spells merely to keep my balance.”#food#poetry#WallaceStevens··Feb 28, 2013Wallace Stevens on persimmons
“Calamari”Elaine and I listened last night to This American Life’s inquiry into the possible existence of imitation calamari.#food#radio··Jan 19, 2013“Calamari”
An afterthoughtIf I were Boing Boing, the title of the previous post might’ve read like so: Hardee’s commercial likens young women, virgins to breakfast meat.#advertising#blues#food#music··Oct 10, 2012An afterthought
Hardee’s pigmeat commercialThe song is not about bacon.#advertising#blues#food#music··Oct 10, 2012Hardee’s pigmeat commercial
Pepperidge Farm CookiesLeon Neyfakh tried every variety of Pepperidge Farm Cookie.#food··Sep 7, 2012Pepperidge Farm Cookies
Harry and Bud’s European Cuisineif you live within driving distance of the Queen City of the Wabash, aka Terre Haute, Indiana, make a reservation and go.#food#restaurants#TerreHaute··Sep 5, 2012Harry and Bud’s European Cuisine
Charlotte russeCharlotte russe is a delightful food of the dowdy world, or at least the New York City version of the dowdy world.#Brooklyn#dowdyworld#food··Jun 25, 2012Charlotte russe
One more AutomatA 1943 photograph.#dowdyworld#food#NewYorkCity#restaurants#Automat··Jun 21, 2012One more Automat
Automat beverage sectionAutomat coffee dispensers, same as they ever were.#coffee#dowdyworld#food#NewYorkCity#photography#restaurants#Automat··Jun 21, 2012Automat beverage section
New York, 1964: AutomatFrom Harold Hart’s Guide to New York City.#1964#food#NewYorkCity#dowdyworld#restaurants#Automat··Jun 21, 2012New York, 1964: Automat
“Lunch Hour NYC”At the New York Public Library, opening tomorrow, “Lunch Hour NYC.”#NewYorkCity#dowdyworld#food#restaurants··Jun 21, 2012“Lunch Hour NYC”
The toast sandwichBread, butter, toast, salt, pepper, really.#food#BobandRay··Jun 7, 2012The toast sandwich
Movie recommendation: Jiro Dreams of Sushi“The willingness to look more and more deeply so as to discover ways to improve or reinvent one’s work offers a model for every form of endeavor.”#film#food··May 25, 2012Movie recommendation: Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Three great strip-mall restaurantsOne of Tyler Cowen’s six rules for dining out: “Get out of the city and into the strip mall.”#food··May 18, 2012Three great strip-mall restaurants
Rice and beans à la HannitySean Hannity echoes The Grapes of Wrath.#culture#food#JohnSteinbeck··Apr 28, 2012Rice and beans à la Hannity
Recipes I stopped reading“1. Fold each licorice piece in half and push ends through centers of 12 marshmallows. Set aside.”#food#recipe··Jan 5, 2012Recipes I stopped reading
Meat-flavored potato chipsThe horror.#food#shopping··Jan 2, 2012Meat-flavored potato chips
From The World of Henry OrientA passage from Nora Johnson’s 1958 novel.#fiction#film#food··Sep 8, 2011From The World of Henry Orient
Recently updatedAnthony Bourdain’s hilarious commentary on Food Network stars.#food#television··Sep 8, 2011Recently updated
Breakfast with the Food NetworkIf life were like the Food Network.#food#television··Sep 6, 2011Breakfast with the Food Network
Dream jobsShort-order cook, soda jerk, stationer, traffic cop.#food#life··Aug 18, 2011Dream jobs
Condiment challenge“Assortment of condiments to accompany lamb curry,” a 1964 photograph.#food#photography··Aug 11, 2011Condiment challenge
What tastes like summer?A question from the Quo Vadis blog.#food#summer··Aug 3, 2011What tastes like summer?
“[T]he Sinatra of food”Jonathan Schwartz on the avocado.#food#JonathanSchwartz··Aug 3, 2011“[T]he Sinatra of food”
Salt warAn article at Scientific American suggests that excess salt is not particularly dangerous to human health.#food··Jul 11, 2011Salt war