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Elaine and I listened last night to This American Life’s inquiry into the possible existence of imitation calamari.
An afterthought
An afterthought
If I were Boing Boing, the title of the previous post might’ve read like so: Hardee’s commercial likens young women, virgins to breakfast meat.
An afterthought
Pepperidge Farm Cookies
Pepperidge Farm Cookies
Leon Neyfakh tried every variety of Pepperidge Farm Cookie.
Pepperidge Farm Cookies
Charlotte russe
Charlotte russe
Charlotte russe is a delightful food of the dowdy world, or at least the New York City version of the dowdy world.
Charlotte russe
Movie recommendation: Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Movie recommendation: Jiro Dreams of Sushi
“The willingness to look more and more deeply so as to discover ways to improve or reinvent one’s work offers a model for every form of endeavor.”
Movie recommendation: Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Three great strip-mall restaurants
Three great strip-mall restaurants
One of Tyler Cowen’s six rules for dining out: “Get out of the city and into the strip mall.”
Three great strip-mall restaurants
Vegan phở
Vegan phở
Recipes from the New York Times.
Vegan phở
Recipes I stopped reading
Recipes I stopped reading
“1. Fold each licorice piece in half and push ends through centers of 12 marshmallows. Set aside.”
Recipes I stopped reading
Dream jobs
Dream jobs
Short-order cook, soda jerk, stationer, traffic cop.
Dream jobs
Salt war
Salt war
An article at Scientific American suggests that excess salt is not particularly dangerous to human health.
Salt war