Young Narcissus“One can never have too many gum machines on the streets of one’s comic strip.”#comics#dowdyworld··Oct 22, 2012Young Narcissus
Parker T-Ball Jotter, 1963This 1963 Life advertisement recalls a gone world, when everyone wore a watch and close to half of American adults smoked cigarettes.#dowdyworld#pens··Oct 10, 2012Parker T-Ball Jotter, 1963
Streetside gum machinesWall-mounted gum machines.#dowdyworld#gum#television#PerryMason··Sep 7, 2012Streetside gum machines
Another streetside machineCANDY, from the comic strip Henry.#comics#dowdyworld#Henry··Sep 5, 2012Another streetside machine
Letterbox and lockOld, and still on the job.#dowdyworld#mail··Aug 30, 2012Letterbox and lock
The Wheel of InformationFive tiers, eight hundred books, forty-five years on the job.#books#dowdyworld#libraries··Aug 30, 2012The Wheel of Information
Henry at the shoe repairmanThe dowdy world in comics.#comics#dowdyworld#Henry··Aug 23, 2012Henry at the shoe repairman
Sheaffer cartridge pens, 1959Back-to-school pens. What makes this ad especially great is the appearance of Ann Marget Olsson (last name misspelled as Olson). Yes, Ann-Margret.#advertising#dowdyworld#pens··Aug 21, 2012Sheaffer cartridge pens, 1959
The dinner hourWhen was the dinner hour?#books#dowdyworld··Jul 19, 2012The dinner hour
Henry and a gum machineThe mysterious streetside object last seen on July 19, 2011 is here revealed as a gum machine, complete with mirror.#comics#dowdyworld#Henry··Jul 19, 2012Henry and a gum machine
CROWN PRICE TAGSA dowdy upsell.#advertising#dowdyworld#ephemera··Jul 13, 2012CROWN PRICE TAGS
Robinson Reminders in print“Jot it down — Do it — Tear it out — Live notes only!”#dowdyworld#notebooks··Jun 29, 2012Robinson Reminders in print
Charlotte russeCharlotte russe is a delightful food of the dowdy world, or at least the New York City version of the dowdy world.#Brooklyn#dowdyworld#food··Jun 25, 2012Charlotte russe
One more AutomatA 1943 photograph.#dowdyworld#food#NewYorkCity#restaurants#Automat··Jun 21, 2012One more Automat
Automat beverage sectionAutomat coffee dispensers, same as they ever were.#coffee#dowdyworld#food#NewYorkCity#photography#restaurants#Automat··Jun 21, 2012Automat beverage section
New York, 1964: AutomatFrom Harold Hart’s Guide to New York City.#1964#food#NewYorkCity#dowdyworld#restaurants#Automat··Jun 21, 2012New York, 1964: Automat
“Lunch Hour NYC”At the New York Public Library, opening tomorrow, “Lunch Hour NYC.”#NewYorkCity#dowdyworld#food#restaurants··Jun 21, 2012“Lunch Hour NYC”
The Carbon Paper ExamTo perpetuate knowledge of the dowdy world.#dowdyworld··Jun 3, 2012The Carbon Paper Exam
Misses RheingoldFor New Yorkers of a certain age, Rheingold is synonymous with beer.#dowdyworld#NewYorkCity··May 31, 2012Misses Rheingold
Bicycle safety, 1954From Life magazine.#dowdyworld#photography··May 18, 2012Bicycle safety, 1954
Shoe repairmen in the newsShoe repairmen are the new typewriter repairmen.#dowdyworld··May 18, 2012Shoe repairmen in the news
Recently updatedAnother excerpt from the 1962 pamphlet manifesto of the Anti-Digit Dialing League.#dowdyworld#telephone··Apr 24, 2012Recently updated
Phones Are For PeopleI am now the proud custodian of a copy of the Anti-Digit Dialing League’s pamphlet manifesto Phones Are For People (1962).#dowdyworld#telephone··Apr 24, 2012Phones Are For People
Best drugstore in the movies?The real star of the film Tension is the drugstore, an “All-Nite Service” establishment at the corner of St. Ann’s and Thirteenth, wherever that is.#dowdyworld#film··Apr 17, 2012Best drugstore in the movies?
Phone mannersFrom the 1940 New York City telephone directories. Pictures show best, fair, and poor distances between mouth and mouthpiece.#dowdyworld#telephone··Apr 17, 2012Phone manners
The Anti-Digit Dialing LeagueA short-lived movement that arose in 1962 that opposed “creeping numeralism” and fought a losing battle to preserve the use of telephone exchange names.#dowdyworld#telephone#EXchangenames··Apr 12, 2012The Anti-Digit Dialing League
Arteries of New York CityA 1941 Encyclopedia Britannica film.#dowdyworld#film#NewYorkCity··Feb 4, 2012Arteries of New York City