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Valerie Harper (1939-2019)
Valerie Harper (1939-2019)
I like what Harper is quoted as saying about Rhoda: “Rhoda, like most of us, was a victorious loser.”
Valerie Harper (1939-2019)
C-SPAN reveals all
C-SPAN reveals all
As with two-person political debates, the best place to see the Trump Fourth speech was C-SPAN, which cut away again and again for shots of the crowd.
C-SPAN reveals all
Television Show Whose Opening Credits Are Better Than The Show.
“Can we say goodbye to Cuck Todd?”
Code Red
Code Red
A downstate-Illinois meteorologist is off the air after criticizing the Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s melodramatic “Code Red Day” weather alerts.
Code Red
Schools and TV dinners
Schools and TV dinners
The TV dinner and the virtual school proceed from the same model: one person, in front of a screen. Get out your laptop, or TV tray; it’s time for “school,” or “dinner.”
Schools and TV dinners
A lying narcissist with a big tie. But any resemblance to a real person is purely coincidental.
Que me ves guey
Que me ves guey
Walking on Olvera Street in Los Angeles, I saw this face and caption on T-shirts at kiosk after kiosk.
Que me ves guey
Benjamin and Newman
Benjamin and Newman
Watching The Graduate (dir. Mike Nichols, 1967) Saturday night, I wondered: could Mrs. Robinson’s icy “Hello, Benjamin” be the inspiration for Jerry Seinfeld’s “Hello, Newman”?
Benjamin and Newman
Joe Namath on TV
Joe Namath on TV
I’m not sure which scenario is worse to contemplate: that Joe Namath needs these benefits, or that he’s willing to say that he does to make some money. O television!
Joe Namath on TV
Screen life
Screen life
“By all accounts, Mr. Trump’s consumption of cable television has actually increased in recent months.”
Screen life
As if
As if
“Is there a secret whiteboard timeline in the Mueller office?” As if anyone talking on television would have the answer to that question.
As if
Not just a white Christmas
Not just a white Christmas
The times are changing: Hallmark premieres four movies this holiday season with African-American male and female leads, the first such movies in Hallmark history.
Not just a white Christmas