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Sketching suspects
Sketching suspects
“The last thing I want in a room when I have a trauma victim is a machine.”
Sketching suspects
Impressionism, Fashion, and Modernity
Impressionism, Fashion, and Modernity
“The studio portrait gives way to what appears to be a moment of everyday life (titles often carry a year): someone is reading a newspaper, someone is trying on a hat.”
Impressionism, Fashion, and Modernity
WCW for young readers
WCW for young readers
“A River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams, by Jen Bryant and Melissa Sweet (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2008), is the work of a writer and an artist with a genuine feeling for Williams’s work.”
WCW for young readers
The Art of Handwriting
The Art of Handwriting
From the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art: The Art of Handwriting. The online version of the exhibit has handwritten letters and postcards from thirty-nine artists.
The Art of Handwriting
Foxtrot and representation
Foxtrot and representation
“The joke reminds me of Alain’s 1955 New Yorker cartoon of an Egyptian life class: there too the idea of codes or conventions of representation gets turned on its head, with artists depicting reality as it really is.”
Foxtrot and representation
Repetition Pears
Repetition Pears
Produce-crate art with the Droste effect.
Repetition Pears
Oscar’s Day today
Oscar’s Day today
I think that Geo-B and I are living parallel lives today, even if his cup holds coffee, not tea.
Oscar’s Day today
Farewell, 45 West 53rd
Farewell, 45 West 53rd
“I am reminded of what I have seen in my old Brooklyn neighborhood and my old New Jersey suburb: houses purchased and destroyed so that new owners can build whatever. Intelligent use: not.”
Farewell, 45 West 53rd
The Armory Show
The Armory Show
The Art Institute of Chicago has online a virtual trek through the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art, the exhibition known as the Armory Show, which introduced American audiences to new directions in painting and sculpture.
The Armory Show
Hats off to Allaway
Hats off to Allaway
I’d like to know something about the hand that made this lovely piece of commercial art.
Hats off to Allaway