Orange Crate Art

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A Verilux sale
A Verilux sale
My only connection to Verilux: I’m a happy customer. My Verilux doesn’t utterly rout grey skies, but it sure helps.
A Verilux sale
At the bus terminal
At the bus terminal
We exited at ground level and found ourselves in a small parking lot, enclosed by a ten- or twelve-foot-high grassy slope.
At the bus terminal
No wind, no rain
No wind, no rain
A new episode of the BBC’s Soul Music , the first one in some time, is devoted to Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”
No wind, no rain
The young vigilante of William Faulkner’s Light in August.
Domestic comedy
Domestic comedy
“I knew it had to be a fragrance commercial, because it was completely incoherent.”
Domestic comedy
Pannapacker on academic woe
Pannapacker on academic woe
William Pannapacker will soon be leaving academia. He writes in The Chronicle of Higher Education about being “Tenured, Trapped, and Miserable in the Humanities.”
Pannapacker on academic woe
Pixels and iPads
Pixels and iPads
The judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial (who’s also working as an attorney for the defense) appears to believe the defense’s bogus claim that pinching and zooming on an iPhone adds pixels to and thus alters an image. And the prosecutor, who couldn’t provide a clear explanation of high-resolution images, also couldn’t answer the defense’s (bogus?) question about what operating system an iPad uses.
Pixels and iPads
A sardine calendar
A sardine calendar
“A festive creator has enjoyed the reaction ‘from all over’ after he shared his handmade 2021 sardine advent calendar on social media.”
A sardine calendar
The J.M. Horton Ice Cream Company, maker of “The Premier Ice Cream of America,” was a venerable name in cool treats.
Red and blue
Red and blue
David Leonhardt: “The gap in Covid’s death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point.”
Red and blue