Today’s Zippy goes down a rabbit hole filled with x-ray specs and rubber chewing-gum. And comical motto rings. They’re all part of the Johnson Smith story.
From Some Came Running (dir. Vincente Minnelli, 1958): “Haven’t you noticed I’ve been talking lately much better?” “Hmm? Yes, much.” “I got one of them, them grammar books from the library. I got it from that teacher who — whom. Whom is the objective.”
From Some Came Running (dir. Vincente Minnelli, 1958). Accomplished gambler Bama Dillert (Dean Martin) proposes a road trip: “You know, the boys in Terre Haute, they don't set no limit. We could do ourselves a little good.”
“Intimate Ties is one of those regrettable publications that hurts the reputations of everyone connected with it: Musil’s own, the translator’s, and even the luckless publisher, Archipelago..”
Seven questions and a guest’s answers close out each episode of Alan Alda’s podcast Clear + Vivid. As with the questions in the New York Times feature “By the Book,” I’ve decided to answer them myself.
Patrick McDonnell, creator of the comic strip Mutts, has a show of his paintings. It looks to me as if he’s been paying attention to Joe Brainard. And perhaps John Ashbery.