Orange Crate Art

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187 years
187 years
In his Queeg-like ravings just now, Donald Trump suggested that he may be going to jail for 187 years.
187 years
From This American Life: “Lists!!!” And other lists.
That institutional-looking floor tile in the Trump-trial courtroom — it’s the same non-descript stuff found in the building where I taught for thirty years.
“Inherently and irredeemably unreliable narrators”
“Inherently and irredeemably unreliable narrators”
“All large language models, by the very nature of their architecture, are inherently and irredeemably unreliable narrators,” said Grady Booch, a renowned computer scientist.
“Inherently and irredeemably unreliable narrators”
How I write certain of my blog posts
How I write certain of my blog posts
I’m always interested in seeing the materials of writing, so I thought it’d be interesting to show the materials that went into a post about Anne Curzan’s Says Who? A Kinder, Funner Usage Guide for Everyone Who Cares about Words. Why not? A notebook, gel pen, blue pencil, legal pad, fountain pen, and text editor.
How I write certain of my blog posts
The tells
The tells
A scam. How many tells can you tell?
The tells
Wild strawberries
Wild strawberries
I think I have finally figured out what interests the deer who visit the back of our backyard: Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberries. They’re why the deer appear so choosy as they browse the ground.
Wild strawberries
An AI-free Google search.