Orange Crate Art

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Another Alito flag
Another Alito flag
The “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Another Alito flag
A review: Anne Curzan, Says Who?
A review: Anne Curzan, Says Who?
Again and again I found myself at odds with her perspective. Part of what put me off, wrongly or rightly, is the book's relentless cheeriness: the “kinder, funner ” of the title, the too-frequent use of exclamation points. A larger problem is Curzan’s division of the individual psyche into “grammando” and “wordie,” both a matter not of a speaker/writer but of a listener/reader responding to other people’s words.
A review: Anne Curzan, Says Who?
Mystery actor
Mystery actor
I’m always slightly amazed at the way women in older movies appear to time-travel when their hair is wet. They lose their 1930s- or ’40s-ness and suddenly show up in the world of tomorrow. As is the case here
Mystery actor
Orange Crate Art: Planet of the monkey house
Orange Crate Art: Planet of the monkey house
In Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, a Kurt Vonnegut book is visible on a table in what appears to be the residence of a human serving the apes. The cover isn’t readable, but it’s easy to guess what that book must be.
Orange Crate Art: Planet of the monkey house
Someone wrote a letter
Someone wrote a letter
In the second episode of the Shrinking Trump podcast, someone suggests that this passage from a May 15 interview with Hugh Hewitt should be shared widely as evidence that Donald Trump cannot formulate ideas cognitively.
Someone wrote a letter
What is a “bottle episode”?
What is a “bottle episode”?
I asked those who would know if there’s a name for a television episode with two characters stuck in, say, an elevator or a basement, talking about whatever until they get free. There is, and Merriam-Webster has it.
What is a “bottle episode”?
What John said
What John said
“ ‘I Dig a Pygmy,’ by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids”: after all these years, I discovered by chance who Charles Hawtrey was.
What John said
Handwriting vs. typing
Handwriting vs. typing
Old news by now, I’d say, but still news: “Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning” (NPR).
Handwriting vs. typing
NBC Nightly News: it’s galling to hear Michael Cohen called “Cohen” and Donald Trump called “Mister Trump,” every damn time. Too much deference.
Alice Munro (1931-2024)
Alice Munro (1931-2024)
“My stories have gotten around quite remarkably for short stories,” she told the interviewer. “I would really hope that this would make people see the short story as an important art, not something you play around with until you got a novel written.”
Alice Munro (1931-2024)
Redbud and sky
Redbud and sky
The solar storm gave us a sky dark as night. Much more attractive is the sky seen through the leaves of our redbud tree.
Redbud and sky
Paul Berman on slogans
Paul Berman on slogans
“Bad faith is when you don’t like the truth so you lie about it. Then you lie about having lied about it. You might even convince yourself that in lying about lying you’re not lying. That’s bad faith. It’s a twisted consciousness. We’re seeing a mass movement for a twisted consciousness.”
Paul Berman on slogans
Witness for the prosecution
Witness for the prosecution
A courtroom sketch meant to depict Michael Cohen. But it looks like Fred Rogers, or Neil Gorsuch, or a family friend.
Witness for the prosecution
FSRC: annual report
FSRC: annual report
The Four Seasons Reading Club, our household’s two-person adventure in reading, has finished its ninth year.
FSRC: annual report
Reading or not in college
Reading or not in college
The limited ability of many students to read and write about complex or lengthy texts is a sad and still largely unacknowledged fact of college life.
Reading or not in college