Orange Crate Art

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Norman, knocking
Norman, knocking
I posted this story in April 2020 as a great moment in pedagogy. I remembered it this morning and am reposting it in memory of Norman Spencer:
Norman, knocking
Domestic comedy
Domestic comedy
“I have no desire to sleep with Marcus Aurelius.” “And he has no desire to sleep with you. Or if he does, he’s praying to get rid of it.”
Domestic comedy
Feedback in e-mail
Feedback in e-mail
I’m no power user, but I always find something of interest when I listen to the Mac Power Users podcast. This morning, listening to episode 740 while out on a walk, I was happy to hear a tech person confirming the wisdom of one of the bits of advice — to reply and say thanks — in my post How to e-mail a professor.
Feedback in e-mail
Proust Barbie
Proust Barbie
Lucy Boynton reports that Proust Barbie was cut from Barbie because audiences didn’t get the joke: “it turns out that contemporary audiences don’t know who Proust is” (Rolling Stone).
Proust Barbie
Long-term care insurance: my 2¢
Long-term care insurance: my 2¢
Now that my mom's long-term care insurance (hereafter, “LTCI”) has run out, I feel free to offer some observations.
Long-term care insurance: my 2¢
Stormy Monday
Stormy Monday
It’s the first day of Donald Trump’s first criminal trial. Have a good rest of your day, sir!
Stormy Monday
Siduri and Marcus
Siduri and Marcus
Thinking about the joylessness of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations made me recall a passage from the Old Babylonian version of the Gilgamesh story.
Siduri and Marcus
Hidden Bar
Hidden Bar
A fine free replacement to hide Mac menu bar items.
Hidden Bar
“Frost” and Frost
“Frost” and Frost
I was teaching a poetry class and getting ready for our first meeting after a break, when it’s always a challenge to get back to the realities of a semester. I realized that I had forgotten to bring the two poems we were going to talk about, Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Frost at Midnight” and Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.” I printed out a copy of each poem in my office and went off to teach.
“Frost” and Frost
Arizona 1864
Arizona 1864
The historian Heather Cox Richardson looks at the 1864 Arizona criminal code.
Arizona 1864
Ammonia coke
Ammonia coke
In Jean Stafford’s novel The Mountain Lion (1947), a brothel owner asks a boy to go to the drugstore and get her “a package of Luckies and an ammonia coke.” Luckies still probably need no footnote, but what’s an ammonia [C]oke?
Ammonia coke
Wordle STARR
Wordle STARR
A typo that ought not to count as a word.
Wordle STARR
For the 2024–2026 edition of The Associated Press Stylebook, the dictionary of choice will change from Webster’s New World College Dictionary to Merriam-Webster.
“The ’Clipse” redux
“The ’Clipse” redux
You don’t have to be in the path of totality to enjoy “The ’Clipse.” It’s a piece of Timmy and Lassie fiction that I wrote in 2017, after the last solar eclipse that passed through Illinois. “The ’Clipse” is both tongue-in-cheek and genuinely reverential, if that’s possible. I think it is.
“The ’Clipse” redux