Orange Crate Art

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Connecting dots
Connecting dots
Data, information, knowledge, insight, wisdom, conspiracy theory.
Connecting dots
PBS priorities, good grief
PBS priorities, good grief
When the PBS NewsHour panel began its analysis of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last night, the first question Geoff Bennett put to Lisa Desjardins, reporting from the House chamber was not about what the president said. It was about the interruptions.
PBS priorities, good grief
Keyword: all
Keyword: all
I liked these sentences from the end of the State of the Union address best: “Above all, I see a future for all Americans. I see a country for all Americans. And I will always be president for all Americans, because I believe in America.”
Keyword: all
John McWhorter on prepositions
John McWhorter on prepositions
John McWhorter in The New York Times, stating what ought to be obvious: “The ‘Rule’ Against Ending Sentences With Prepositions Has Always Been Silly.”
John McWhorter on prepositions
José Andrés on sardines
José Andrés on sardines
“Oh my God, they are so good that you wish you were inside the can with them”
José Andrés on sardines
Slam the Scam
Slam the Scam
The Social Security Administration announces National Slam the Scam Day.
Slam the Scam
“Bad news about Biden”
“Bad news about Biden”
“The New York Times has apparently devoted half a floor in its Eighth Avenue headquarters to a search for bad news about Biden, and then they reserve a space nearly every day above the fold on the front page for whatever grain of grim shit the Biden hunters have managed to come up with.”
“Bad news about Biden”
Postal consolidation
Postal consolidation
The United States Postal Service is planning to “consolidate” thirty processing and distribution centers. In Illinois, four processing and distribution centers outside of Chicago are slated for consolidation. That seems to mean that all outgoing mail will be processed in Chicago and environs. Snail mail indeed.
Postal consolidation
Is today’s strip, in which Little Zippy draws his favorite cartoon character, a comment on Olivia Jaimes’s Nancy?
Full-page screenshots in iOS and macOS
Full-page screenshots in iOS and macOS
Here’s how to take a screenshot of a full page in iOS and macOS (Cult of Mac). These tricks will save someone the tedious work of pasting together parts to make a large whole.
Full-page screenshots in iOS and macOS
Letters listing
Letters listing
Synchronicity: There are letters listing in today’s OCA tax photograph — the U and T of HAIRCUT. And there’s a letter listing in Olivia Jaimes’s Nancy today: a Z that tilts into an N.
Letters listing