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Missing Moleskine pages
Missing Moleskine pages
Sixteen days missing from a daily planner. The only calendar I think I should proofread is the one I make myself every year. But perhaps proofreading a Moleskine well in advance of the new year is a wise policy.
Missing Moleskine pages
Public Domain Day
Public Domain Day
Among the items falling out of copyright today: the Carl Theodor Dreyer film The Passion of Joan of Arc, the Wanda Gág book Millions of Cats, the Cole Porter song “Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love),” and the Bessie Smith recording “Down Hearted Blues.”
Public Domain Day
The Dictionary People
The Dictionary People
Knowing a bit about rabbit holes, I know the importance of knowing when to stop. But I understand the impulse to keep going, for it’s unlikely that there will be another book about the OED’s Readers.
The Dictionary People
Helen Keller on lines
Helen Keller on lines
Helen Keller writes that what she calls beauty is “largely derived from the flow of curved and straight lines which is over all things.”
Helen Keller on lines
Christmas 1923
Christmas 1923
I think it must have been a confusing Christmas at St. Mark’s-in-the-Bouwerie in 1923.
Christmas 1923
“Some novelty among the stars”
“Some novelty among the stars”
In the city of Andria “every street follows a planet’s orbit, and the buildings and places of community life repeat the order of the constellations and the position of the most luminous stars.”
“Some novelty among the stars”