Orange Crate Art

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Phone etiquette
Phone etiquette
The Washington Post has tips about phone etiquette in our times (gift link). Useful stuff.
Phone etiquette
Awkward metaphor of the day
Awkward metaphor of the day
“Nikki Haley has tried to straddle it, and all she’s gotten is strained muscles”: Claire McCaskill on MSNBC.
Awkward metaphor of the day
Mr. Parrish and Mrs. Cameron
Mr. Parrish and Mrs. Cameron
It’s just a brief scene with bit players: a customer looking to buy a watch, a salesclerk trying to find something he’ll like. But there must have been someone in a 1950 audience who appreciated the pairing of Walter Baldwin and Dorothy Adams in this scene.
Mr. Parrish and Mrs. Cameron
A handy tool for navigating the Internets.
Builder’s tea
Builder’s tea
I learned this term from Michael Mosley’s BBC Radio 4 podcast Just One Thing.
Builder’s tea
Seeing and smelling
Seeing and smelling
“The judge was smart enough to smell a rat when she saw it”: Representative Tom Tiffany (WI-35), mangling an old idiom at the Merrick Gatland show trial just now.
Seeing and smelling
Got stamps?
Got stamps?
In today’s Dustin, paterfamilias Ed is looking for stamps. Snarky Meg wonders who still uses them.
Got stamps?
Facts and truth
Facts and truth
Reading about Russian-textbook “history” made me recall an observation from Robert Caro’s Working: Research, Interviewing, Writing.
Facts and truth
Fact-free history
Fact-free history
In The New York Times, an introduction to Vladimir Medinsky, Putin adviser and lead author of new history textbook for Russian high-school students. War is peace, &c.
Fact-free history
Reporting the teacher
Reporting the teacher
A South Carolina high-school English teacher was reprimanded after two of her AP students reported her to the school board for teaching about race.
Reporting the teacher
What not to-do
What not to-do
A scrap of paper, a fresh index card, or a page in a pocket planner is always a better choice than a classified document.
What not to-do