Orange Crate Art

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On a walk, a longer walk than usual, we added a turn around a park pavilion, a turn that we’d never taken before. I was listening to This American Life, to a long segment by the writer Sean Cole about his struggle to stop smoking cigarettes. And I started thinking about cigarettes.
Ian’s Shoelace Site
Ian’s Shoelace Site
Twenty-five ways to tie your shoes, and more than a hundred ways to lace them.
Ian’s Shoelace Site
“The stuff that was good”
“The stuff that was good”
Shahid Kamal Ahmad, game developer, interviewed on the podcast Mac Power Users: Shahid Kamal Ahmad, game developer: “It’s a short life. We’re not kids anymore. But we forget so much of the good, and it’s just the way we’re primed. Evolution rewards us for remembering that which screwed us up. It does not reward us for remembering the stuff that was good.”
“The stuff that was good”
A Gennett Records documentary
A Gennett Records documentary
From WTIU, a 2018 documentary, The Music Makers of Gennett Records. Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Uncle Dave Macon, and Charley Patton were among the musicians who recorded for Gennett in Richmond, Indiana.
A Gennett Records documentary
Two Millhauser reviews
Two Millhauser reviews
Two reviews of Steven Millhauser’s new book of stories, Disruptions : one not so smart, in The New York Times, and one smart, in The New Yorker.
Two Millhauser reviews
Dad, i.m.
Dad, i.m.
He showed up in a dream in July, a couple of days before what would have been his ninety-fifth birthday.
Dad, i.m.
Dictée writ large
Dictée writ large
“In France, the time-honored tradition of the dictée — or dictation — is alive and well. Recently, 1,700 desks were set up on the Champs Élysées in Paris for the world’s largest dictée session.”
Dictée writ large
Weaving through traffic
Weaving through traffic
“Trump’s campaign team was miffed by a lack of traffic support from local police after he arrived in Washington, forcing the motorcade to weave through rush-hour traffic.”
Weaving through traffic
Swing, swing, swing
Swing, swing, swing
“He left his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.” Which made me think of him carrying one as a weapon, ready to swing at someone or something.
Swing, swing, swing
Hat trick
Hat trick
In today’s yesterday’s Nancy, a window is open, as Nancy windows so often are.
Hat trick
One family’s dictionary
One family’s dictionary
From the Indiana University Libraries blog, the story of one family’s “lexical bible,” an 1823 copy of John Walker’s A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language, a dictionary first published in 1791.
One family’s dictionary
Mystery actor
Mystery actor
If you’ve spent sufficient time in front of screens large and small, his face will likely be recognizable, even with the sunglasses, and even if you have to look up his name.
Mystery actor
Criterion’s August
Criterion’s August
The Criterion Channel’s August offerings are a wow. Too many movies!
Criterion’s August
“Adoration” again
“Adoration” again
The digital radio station Classic FM has a list: fifteen pieces for anyone beginning to listen to classical music. Coming in at a number ten, Florence Price’s “Adoration”: “Originally composed for church organ, it was arranged for violin and piano by Elaine Fine.”
“Adoration” again
Art into words
Art into words
“The great blue wave curls in from the left, its toppling white crest a mass of foam tentacles that claw the air”: from a terrific Word of Mouth episode, “Audio description: putting art into words.”
Art into words