The fascist playbook, as described in a pamphlet for U.S. service members, repeats as the playbook of today’s hard right: cast one’s cause as “super-Americanism,” foment domestic disunity and hatred of minorities, reject the need for international cooperation, and label one’s opponents communists.
Books UnBanned offers readers between the ages of thirteen and twenty-one, anywhere in the United States, a year’s free access to the Brooklyn Public Library’s e-books and audiobooks.
One time after I played Robert Johnson’s recording of “Cross Road Blues,” a student in the front row said “You should’ve played Cream.” I smiled and asked, “Where do you think they got it?”
Catherine Rampell, writing in The Washington Post : “Call me old-school, but maybe we should devote less energy to limiting what kids are reading and more to whether they can read at all.”