In the latest installment of Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson asks a pointed question: The Supreme Court, Congress, and the Tennessee statehouse. What would you say if you saw today’s news coming from another country?
I finally found a good use for ChatGPT: I had it write two workflows for the Mac app Alfred. It took the bot about a half dozen tries over several days to produce workflows that work. Thanks, AI.
Two progressive candidates won seats on our town’s school board yesterday, and a regressive current member was defeated. That makes me happy. Farther from home, Janet Protasiewicz won decisively and will have a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. That makes me happy too.
If I want to see moneyed persons exiting planes and stepping into big black vehicles, I can watch Succession. At least Succession shows what’s happening in the planes and cars.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, people used to leave carriages unattended in front of stores. This tax photograph features the fourth unattended carriage to appear in these pages.
From today’s installment of Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American: “This is the first time in history a former United States president has been indicted, although it is worth remembering that it is not new for our justice system to hold elected officials accountable.” Including a number of Illinois governors.