Orange Crate Art

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Jury doody
Jury doody
“Over 100 people are calling this number, so you may experience busy signals,” the summons said. “Please be patient and try again.”
Jury doody
Cubist pencil
Cubist pencil
“Round, having a novel finish of small squares in assorted colors,” says the advertisement. From 1914.
Cubist pencil
The midwestern sublime
The midwestern sublime
The midwestern sublime is composed of equal parts vast muddy fields and vast grey skies, as seen from a car on a two-lane rural route.
The midwestern sublime
Errand, errant
Errand, errant
I wondered: could errand and errant be related? Isn’t a knight errant, roving about, kinda like on an errand sort of, maybe?
Errand, errant
Edwin who?
Edwin who?
What can ChatGPT tell us about Edwin Mullhouse, of Steven Millhauser’s novel Edwin Mullhouse: The Life and Death of an American Writer 1943–1954, by Jeffrey Cartwright ?
Edwin who?
Rob Zseleczky on computer-generated poetry
Rob Zseleczky on computer-generated poetry
1983: “If you could accurately enter your whole life into a computer without leaving the minutest fact out, then the computer could possess a chance of becoming artistic. But even then the computer would have to be considered the protégé of its programmer. For now, computers may be profitably used as electronic thesauri, as servants to the new craft of electronic poetry-writing. As far as the art of poetry is concerned, computers will have to wait.” Still true.
Rob Zseleczky on computer-generated poetry