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“The witty outsider”?
“The witty outsider”?
On the PBS NewsHour, David Brooks just characterized Donald Trump in 2016 as “sort of the witty outsider.” Wut?
“The witty outsider”?
From Cartoons
From Cartoons
Jeffrey Cartwright will go on to provide an extended summary of Cartoons.
From Cartoons
Another ChatGPT fail
Another ChatGPT fail
What ChatGPT doesn’t understand is that Lillian Mountweazel was not a real person.
Another ChatGPT fail
“Raucous go-go”
“Raucous go-go”
You know what Robert Caro says: Turn every page. Thus I found myself looking at a David Brooks profile of Bono in the December Atlantic, “The Too-Muchness of Bono.”
“Raucous go-go”
Music history, rhyming?
Music history, rhyming?
In the PBS series Fight the Power, Leddy Cool J’s account of Count Basie taking a back seat to singers singing bebop riffs has no basis in history.
Music history, rhyming?
Crafted, baked
Crafted, baked
I noticed this morning: Pepperidge Farm now packages its bread as “Crafted Baked Goods.”
Crafted, baked
Get back Blogger Quick Edit
Get back Blogger Quick Edit
If you use Blogger and miss the pencil icon that once let you edit posts on the fly, here’s a simple way to get it back.
Get back Blogger Quick Edit
Use by
Use by
Useful stuff from The New York Times: “The Food Expiration Dates You Should Actually Follow.”
Use by
Sauce from a jar?
Sauce from a jar?
The Washington Post tests twelve marinara sauces. But you can make your own. With recipes.
Sauce from a jar?
In today’s Los Angeles Times crossword, by Brian Thomas and Brooke Husic, the clue for 34-A, “Ellington composition,” is wildly off. The answer: RAG. No, just no.
“No mother”
“No mother”
“No mother, no mother — no mother — should go through what I’m going through right now”: RowVaughn Wells.
“No mother”
Forty years
Forty years
“The only reality is twenty years of Clifford Groves as a husband and as a father, twenty years of my being a career woman with an eye to design and merchandising.”
Forty years
Footnoting Zippy
Footnoting Zippy
There are many big coffee pots. The one in today’s Zippy looks like the one in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
Footnoting Zippy
“My Bathroom”
“My Bathroom”
An ode to solitude: Sid Siegel’s “My Bathroom,” from the industrial musical The Bathrooms are Coming! (1969), sung by Patt Stanton Gjonola
“My Bathroom”
Martins and Child
Martins and Child
Seeing as our household has had Julia Child on the brain, I reread a piece of fan-fiction I wrote a few years ago: “Bon Appétit!” It’s about Julia Child visiting the Martins — as in Paul, Ruth, Timmy, and Lassie. Oh, and Uncle Petrie.
Martins and Child