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A 2023 calendar
A 2023 calendar
Free: a 2023 calendar, in large legible Gill Sans, three months per page
A 2023 calendar
Local weather
Local weather
A few minutes ago a TV meteorologist said “Holy moly!”
Local weather
Washington Post, sheesh
Washington Post, sheesh
In a piece about the hazards of permanent daylight-saving time, another inapt “similar to.”
Washington Post, sheesh
Tele-Rest No. 300
Tele-Rest No. 300
I’ve had a Tele-Rest No. 300 sitting around for many years, purchased (in the 1990s?) from a going-out-of-business office-supplies store. I bought this item only for its box, which predates ZIP codes.
Tele-Rest No. 300
Words of the year
Words of the year
From the Collins Dictionary, permacrisis, “a term that describes ‘an extended period of instability and insecurity.’”
Words of the year
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
“Similar to [a defeated former American president], Bolsonaro,” followed by some verb.
NPR, sheesh
Domestic comedy
Domestic comedy
“It’s a good book. Its pages are good. It feels good to read it.” “Good.”
Domestic comedy
Halloween count
Halloween count
Early turnout: in one hour and three minutes of trick-or-treating, we’ve had six children call at our door, already matching our 2015 total (over three-and-a-half hours).
Halloween count
Mary Miller’s silence
Mary Miller’s silence
From Politico: “Rep. Mary Miller (IL-15) is the only member of the state’s Republican congressional delegation not to condemn last week’s violent attack on the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”
Mary Miller’s silence
From a Brinks robbery, maybe?
Reaching out
Reaching out
This morning I have had a president, a vice president, and an undefeated former president reach out to me, one of them “personally reaching out.”
Reaching out
Gender and evaluations
Gender and evaluations
From Inside Higher Ed: “Two new studies show how bias against women in student ratings operates over time, worsening with critical feedback and instructor age.”
Gender and evaluations
No[,] hurry[!]
No[,] hurry[!]
A former Miss Hong Kong almost died because of a doctor’s unpunctuated text.
No[,] hurry[!]
Mary Miller, on it
Mary Miller, on it
Representative Mary Miller (R, IL-15) continues to use her official Twitter account to warn parents about the danger of fentanyl in Halloween candy. But the fear of fentanyl in Halloween candy is, according to a toxicologist and addiction specialist, “a moral panic.” And a scholar of urban legends calls Halloween fentanyl just that — an urban legend, like razor-blade-filled apples.
Mary Miller, on it
Guernica wear
Guernica wear
In today’s Zippy, Griffy notes that museums sell Picasso everything — mousepads, T-shirtscoffee mugs. “What’s next?” he wonders. “Guernica bedsheets and party dresses??” I wouldn’t have believed it. But you can find a Guernica skirt, complete with Picasso signatures along the waistband, front and back, at Etsy.
Guernica wear
Finding you well
Finding you well
Never to begin an e-mail with “I hope this e-mail finds you well.” Or “I hope this email finds you well.”
Finding you well