Orange Crate Art

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Urban density
Urban density
I went browsing in the Village and found this lovely moment of urban density. I tried counting the words: close to ninety, I think. This stretch of East 14th Street is now — what else? — a Duane Reade. Three words. Duane. Reade. Pharmacy.
Urban density
Twenty-one years after the fact, and I can’t see a cloudless sky without thinking of September 11, 2001.
Marsha Hunt (1917–2022)
Marsha Hunt (1917–2022)
She had a fine comic turn as Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (1940). But our household knows her better as a familiar face in film noir.
Marsha Hunt (1917–2022)
In search of Anna K.
In search of Anna K.
Could it be that searches for one edition of Anna Karenina are redirecting me to what Amazon would like me to buy instead? I think it could.
In search of Anna K.
Reality-distortion fields
Reality-distortion fields
The difference between Steve Jobs’s reality-distortion field and Elizabeth Holmes’s: Jobs made people believe they could do hard things; Holmes made people believe she was doing hard things.
Reality-distortion fields
At the Eagle Cafe
At the Eagle Cafe
Beautiful cinematography by Ted McCord, from Flamingo Road (dir. Michael Curtiz, 1949).
At the Eagle Cafe
An earlier catch-22
An earlier catch-22
A passage from Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz’s The Passenger.
An earlier catch-22
Yesterday’s HCR
Yesterday’s HCR
Heather Cox Richardson’s September 6 installament of Letters from an American is especially helpful if you weren’t following the news yesterday.
Yesterday’s HCR
Magna cum laude
Magna cum laude
“I graduated magna cum laude from Embraceable U.”
Magna cum laude
A series of legal troubles?
A series of legal troubles?
’d like to say a sea of legal troubles, but that would hardly be acceptable to NPR, and besides, I shudder at the thought of a metaphor that would point to taking up arms. A big fat mess of legal troubles? A diaperload of legal troubles? Perhaps just a number of legal troubles.
A series of legal troubles?
Labor Day
Labor Day
“Masses of women workers”: a Life magazine photograph.
Labor Day
Barbara Ehrenreich (1941–2022)
Barbara Ehrenreich (1941–2022)
I can recommend Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2001) and Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream (2005).
Barbara Ehrenreich (1941–2022)
Forty-three folders
Forty-three folders
David Allen doesn’t say anything though about what to do with classified materials.
Forty-three folders
Noah Webster
Noah Webster
Frontispiece and accompanying text from Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (1961).
Noah Webster
Joe Biden tonight
Joe Biden tonight
“History tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy. For a long time we told ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed. But it’s not. We have to defend it, protect it, stand up for it, each and every one of us. That’s why tonight I’m asking our nation to come together: unite behind the single purpose of defending our democracy regardless of your ideology.”
Joe Biden tonight
A second Third
A second Third
I have a Webster’s Second. I have a Webster’s Third. And I have a second Third, bought a library book-sale (for fifty cents, I think).
A second Third
Molly Dodd again
Molly Dodd again
For anyone who needs to know: the complete run of The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd is once again at YouTube.
Molly Dodd again
You know that you have the well-being of an older family member on your mind when you see a money-asking e-mail from LTC (Ret.) Alex Vindman in your inbox and the first thing you think is long-term care.