Orange Crate Art

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A petard
A petard
A nice way to illustrate the idea of poetic justice. Also the idea of being hoist with one’s own petard.
A petard
How to improve writing (no. 104)
How to improve writing (no. 104)
“One man stood on the bridge, which crosses the Intracoastal Waterway, holding the American flag upside down — widely recognized as a symbol of his belief that the country is in distress.” Needs rewriting.
How to improve writing (no. 104)
“That’s our slogan”
“That’s our slogan”
A great line from from the Only Murders in the Building episode “Hello, Darkness.”
“That’s our slogan”
At the REC
At the REC
At the last Remote Encoding Center: How the USPS reads terrible handwriting.
At the REC
After Willa Cather’s birthday
After Willa Cather’s birthday
“I think you make a very usual mistake, however, in defining a writer geographically. Myself, I read a man (or a woman) for the climate of his mind, not for the climates in which he has happened to live.”
After Willa Cather’s birthday
Drawing ability
Drawing ability
I admire Bill Griffith’s curmudgeonly insistence on genuine artistry in comics.
Drawing ability
Mar-a-Lago “under siege”!
Mar-a-Lago “under siege”!
Well, if you had a safe and also had things you wanted to hide, where else would you keep them?
Mar-a-Lago “under siege”!
After Louis Armstrong’s birthday
After Louis Armstrong’s birthday
Better late than never: here’s one of my favorite later Armstrong performances: “Azalea,” recorded on April 4, 1961. It’s a Duke Ellington composition, which Ellington wrote years before with Armstrong in mind.
After Louis Armstrong’s birthday
Dream chords
Dream chords
I was showing my friend Rob Zseleczky a beautiful set of chord changes: the chorus of “California Girls.” It’s a simple pattern up and down the neck of the guitar. I like the first chord for each vocal line as a major seventh. It’s not that way in the original. I don’t care.
Dream chords
What commas don’t fix
What commas don’t fix
There’s a mistaken clue in Evan Birnholz’s Washington Post Sunday crossword: 102-D, six letters, “What commas may fix.” The answer: RUNONS. But no number of commas can fix a run-on sentence.
What commas don’t fix
IRA: the Inflation Reduction Act. BFD: Self-explanatory, I hope. If not, ask Joe Biden.
Rats in cars
Rats in cars
A tip our Toyota dealer offered: set the ventilation to recirculate if you’re leaving a car parked for any length of time — say in an airport parking lot. Doing so keeps at least some of the innards off-limits to critters.
Rats in cars
The sound of the Senate
The sound of the Senate
As voting remains open on whether to begin debate on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the sound of the Senate is extremely odd. It suggests to me a cross between a laundromat and a gathering of chanting ghosts, led perhaps by Diane Feinstein and Charles Grassley.
The sound of the Senate
Dad, i.m.
Dad, i.m.
I’ll listen to one or more of his CDs today — maybe Ethel Waters, maybe Lee Wiley.
Dad, i.m.
Recently updated
Recently updated
The Thirteenth Avenue Retail Market, now with new links, an opening date, and a statement from Mayor Fiorello La Guardia.
Recently updated
“I am doing what is called lecturing,” I said, and I was doing quite well.
A genuine misunderstanding
A genuine misunderstanding
Watching Adventures of Superman on WPIX (“channel 11”), I thought that the bad guys and crooks were real bad guys and crooks playing versions of themselves.
A genuine misunderstanding