Orange Crate Art

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Studs Terkel and DFW
Studs Terkel and DFW
Terkel’s observations about the waitress in Five East Pieces remind me of David Foster Wallace’s imagining of the life of a shopper waiting on line in a supermarket.
Studs Terkel and DFW
Thirteenth Avenue Retail Market
Thirteenth Avenue Retail Market
The Thirteenth Avenue Retail Market (WIndsor 8-8788) was one of seven New York City markets built in the interest of sanitation, removing pushcarts from the streets and placing them indoors, with the benefits of air conditioning, screening, and hot and cold running water. With dim memories and several photographs.
Thirteenth Avenue Retail Market
Yoink is a nifty utility ($8.99) for macOS and iOS. It simplifies dragging and dropping files — not a complicated task, but a tedious one, as anyone who has tried to navigate from folder to folder to subfolder can probably attest.
Fishy weather
Fishy weather
Popular Mechanics reports that in San Francisco it’s raining anchovies.
Fishy weather
Highland Park
Highland Park
“This scene has repeated itself over and over again because of the unfettered access to weapons of war,” said Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democrat from suburban Chicago.
Highland Park
Wordle for art.
On the Fourth
On the Fourth
“You see, here in America it is not a question of whether we tolerate minorites. America is minorities.”
On the Fourth
Tommy Morgan (1932–2022)
Tommy Morgan (1932–2022)
Chances are if you hear a harmonica on a pop recording made within the last fifty or so years, you’re hearing Tommy Morgan.
Tommy Morgan (1932–2022)
Dustin desserts
Dustin desserts
Hayden: “I have to write a paper about the use of idioms.” Ed: “Oh, that’ll be a piece of cake.”
Dustin desserts
This fawning, gushing New York Times article about Solveig Gold, a Princeton alum, and Joshua Katz, her Princeton professor-now-husband, makes me come close to wanting to cancel my subscription.