Orange Crate Art

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”: who said it?
TPM, sheesh
TPM, sheesh
Talking Points Memo this morning: “sharing sources of what I believe are reliable information.”
TPM, sheesh
Mississippi John Hurt Memorial
Mississippi John Hurt Memorial
The ruins of the Valley Store, County Road 41, Carrollton, Mississippi, are preserved in Google Maps, with a marker for Mississippi John Hurt close by.
Mississippi John Hurt Memorial
Cough drops
Cough drops
The store was being sold in three minutes, so I’d have to hurry.
Cough drops
I can’t decide if it’s a joke on Waiting for Godot. It might just be someone being witty about qua.
T.S. Eliot = J.D. Salinger?
T.S. Eliot = J.D. Salinger?
A first edition of Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) and a first edition of The Catcher in the Rye (1951), each selling for $16,250.
T.S. Eliot = J.D. Salinger?
The Left Banke’s third album
The Left Banke’s third album
Recorded in 1978, released as an LP in 1986, now on CD, with bonus tracks worth the price of admission.
The Left Banke’s third album
An Auden poem
An Auden poem
A timely “interactive” feature from The New York Times : Elisa Gabbert takes the reader through W.H. Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts.”
An Auden poem
I am also fond of the composer
I am also fond of the composer
Elaine wrote a piece for viola, “I am also fond of lonely islands,” after reading Tove Jansson’s The Summer Book. And now there’s a recording.
I am also fond of the composer
The keepers
The keepers
Archibald MacLeish’s “Of the Librarian’s Profession” (1940): When wars are made against the [human] spirit and its works, the keeping of these records is itself a kind of warfare. The keepers, whether they so wish or not, cannot be neutral.
The keepers