I was at a town meeting, where local retailers were being encouraged to 1. find a niche and 2. provide great customer service. I posed a couple of questions.
In Illinois’s redrawn 15th Congressional District, Mary Miller, endorsed by a defeated former president, is struggling in her primary race against fellow Republican incumbent Rodney Davis.
The drugstore was a maze of small rooms, some with short aisles of consumer goods, others with wall shelves holding what appeared to be prescription drugs. Still other rooms had hospital beds, with patients in them. I couldn’t understand why I was allowed to walk through these rooms.
New Kid and Class Act, stories of school, friendship, misunderstandings, adjustments, and learning, graphic novels sharply and wittily drawn and written.
Rick Veach, our plumbing and heating and cooling guy, came by early in the morning to check out a minor problem. He promised to be back at 4:15 to take care of it. And he was.
"It is unclear what the inspector general has done since then, in particular, whether the inspector general has referred the matter to the Justice Department”: a terrible sentence from The New York Times.