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Gullah Geechee enters the academy - Subtitle
Gullah Geechee enters the academy - Subtitle
There's a new language class on offer at Harvard. Gullah Geechee is a creole language developed by enslaved Africans and still spoken today. As far as anyone knows, it's the first time it's been taught anywhere. Sunn M'Cheaux — native speaker turned Harvard instructor — tells his story and the story of Gullah Geechee, a language that is as African as it is American.
Gullah Geechee enters the academy - Subtitle
fleur-flour-flah and ‘good’ english – More of A Comment
fleur-flour-flah and ‘good’ english – More of A Comment
it’s as much a historical artifact as the rhotic American accents probably resemble older forms of British accents, or the American habit to NOT pronounce the h in ‘herb’ unlike modern British (and that was, again,  another French thing).  It’s not wrong, and if monolinguals tell us otherwise, then they’re just being jerks and ignorant of their own history.
fleur-flour-flah and ‘good’ english – More of A Comment