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The Cruel Fantasies of Well-Fed People – George Monbiot
The Cruel Fantasies of Well-Fed People – George Monbiot
The astonishing story of how a movement’s quest for rural simplicity drifted into a formula for mass death By George Monbiot, published on, 4th October 2023 Tourism sells to you the story of what it has taken away. It markets the “traditional” and “unchanging” and, in doing so, changes it. As the old joke…
The Cruel Fantasies of Well-Fed People – George Monbiot
The History of US Agriculture: How Jim Crow paid off for the Midwestern family farm - Farm to Taber | Acast
The History of US Agriculture: How Jim Crow paid off for the Midwestern family farm - Farm to Taber | Acast
Listen to The History of US Agriculture: How Jim Crow paid off for the Midwestern family farm from Farm to Taber. Episode cover photo: “Roy Merriot getting ready to move a transportable house. He is a tenant of a 160 acre loan company farm which has recently been sold, and is now holding a ‘quitting farm’ sale. This is the third farm he has lost in the last ten years.” Russell Lee, photographer, December 1936, from Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information Photographs, Yale University Photogrammar Project. Available at bibliographyMain sources in this episode:SC food imports in 1917: Kirkendall, Richard S. 1988. Henry A. Wallace’s Turn Toward the New Deal, 1921-1924. The Annals of Iowa 49(3):221-239. Accessed 3 Mar 2022. Available at Rise and Fall of Pellagra. 2018. Karen Clay, Ethan Schmick, Werner Troesken. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 23730. Available at Lee. 1947. The Theory of the Agricultural Ladder. Agricultural History 21(1):53-61. and Power: The Legal Culture of Tenancy in the United States, 1800-1920. Adam Jacob Wolkoff. Dissertation, Rutgers, 2015.
The History of US Agriculture: How Jim Crow paid off for the Midwestern family farm - Farm to Taber | Acast