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"We're Still Here": Chicago's Native American Community | WTTW Chicago
"We're Still Here": Chicago's Native American Community | WTTW Chicago
After their removal from the region around Chicago in the early nineteenth century, Native Americans began returning to the city in the 1950s under the federal government's ill-planned relocation policy. Chicago has the oldest urban Indian center, and the third largest urban population of Native Americans.
"We're Still Here": Chicago's Native American Community | WTTW Chicago
Gullah Geechee enters the academy - Subtitle
Gullah Geechee enters the academy - Subtitle
There's a new language class on offer at Harvard. Gullah Geechee is a creole language developed by enslaved Africans and still spoken today. As far as anyone knows, it's the first time it's been taught anywhere. Sunn M'Cheaux — native speaker turned Harvard instructor — tells his story and the story of Gullah Geechee, a language that is as African as it is American.
Gullah Geechee enters the academy - Subtitle
Why the Age of American Progress Ended - The Atlantic
Why the Age of American Progress Ended - The Atlantic
The real reason American progress has stalled
What went wrong? There are many answers, but one is that we have become too enthralled by the eureka myth and, more to the point, too inattentive to all the things that must follow a eureka moment. The U.S. has more Nobel Prizes for science than the U.K., Germany, France, Japan, Canada, and Austria combined. But if there were a Nobel Prize for the deployment and widespread adoption of technology—even technology that we invented, even technology that’s not so new anymore—our legacy wouldn’t be so sterling. Americans invented the first nuclear reactor, the solar cell, and the microchip, but today, we’re well behind a variety of European and Asian countries in deploying and improving these technologies.
Why the Age of American Progress Ended - The Atlantic