In America, we had (J6ers commit) suicide in prison: Matthew Perna, Mark Aungst, Jord Meachum, Christopher Georgia, David Homol. They (were driven to) suicide because they were standing up for their right of freedom of speech. We should never forget their names.
Two other J6er didn’t (commit) suicide: Julio Baquero, died just days after his release from prison, where he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. He maybe could have survived if he would have been in freedom. Bart Shively was released and also has fatal cancer, (which he got) in the military while fighting for his country.
I also want to name the people who died on January 6: Ashli Babbitt, Roseanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson, Benjamin Philips. They will not come back, but they stood for the same reason you are here right now: For freedom of speech.
On the 20th of January, when Donald J. Trump got back into office, the first thing he did was release 1500 January 6 prisoners. So my call is now directed to (UK Prime Minister) Keir Starmer: You should release all British political priisoners by Monday. And if not, get the hell out of (your) office. Thank you.”