Q Research General #27326: 8 More Kun Days Away Edition
Per ICE sources, the man seen in a viral video being subdued by residents & arrested by police w/ a blowtorch near the #KennethFire in West Hills is an illegal alien from Mexico named Juan Manuel Sierra-Leyva. He is in custody on a probation violation & has NOT been charged w/ arson. I'm told ICE will place a detainer request on him with the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, but they do not expect it to be honored due to California's Sanctuary State law. I'm told Sierra-Leyva will have a court appearance tomorrow. Again - he has not been charged w/ arson and is in custody only on a probation violation at the moment, as multiple agencies have been interviewing him.
Samples from the thick unusual fog that I shared a video of here in Florida in the backyard, and many states had experienced, were taken to a lab for testing. They found it was saturated with Serratia Marcescens Bacteria, also considered a parasite. This act of releasing these pathogens onto society is considered biological warfare.