The PEUGEOT e-208 and PEUGEOT e-2008 have a greater rangeThe newest technology breakthroughs will enable up to 22 kilometers greater range in the WLTP cycle and much more in everyday life for the 100 percent electric#Peugeot e-208#Peugeot e-2008#peugeot··Dec 5, 2021The PEUGEOT e-208 and PEUGEOT e-2008 have a greater range
The Peugeot e-2008 GT electric compact SUV with 136 hp from 39,500 euros | Electric HunterWith the Peugeot e-2008, the French manufacturer offers the best example of an electric compact SUV.#Peugeot e-2008#peugeot#2021 electric cars#2022 electric cars··Jun 25, 2021The Peugeot e-2008 GT electric compact SUV with 136 hp from 39,500 euros | Electric Hunter