Tools for Clearer ThinkingClearer Thinking offers free, online training programs to improve your decision making and sharpen your reasoning.··Aug 30, 2022Tools for Clearer Thinking
Leading with purpose: How to find a management style that works for youBefore I became an engineering manager at Amazon, I learned that every manager has a unique style. Finding mine gave my career a new sense of purpose.··Jul 15, 2022Leading with purpose: How to find a management style that works for you
Guiding principle: consent over consensusGuiding principle in effective product development culture.··May 28, 2022Guiding principle: consent over consensus
The Difference Between Whole-Group Consensus and Dynamic Governance/SociocracyWhat's the difference between consensus and consent? What's the difference between whole-group conse...··May 28, 2022The Difference Between Whole-Group Consensus and Dynamic Governance/Sociocracy
Make High Impact Decisions with Confidence using Alignment RecordsImagine you need to set the future technical direction of a large Engineering organization. How do y...··May 28, 2022Make High Impact Decisions with Confidence using Alignment Records
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Tick Tock Doc TemplateCommunications Plan Tick Tock Doc Instructions: 1. Select File Make a Copy to add this to your Goo...··Apr 3, 2022Tick Tock Doc Template
4 lists to identify your next role#worksheet#engineering management#self career growth··Apr 3, 20224 lists to identify your next role
Example spreadsheet for compensation calibrationIntro Resources & Attribution: a href="··Apr 3, 2022Example spreadsheet for compensation calibration
Feedback Equation WorksheetThe Feedback Equation Good feedback is specific, actionable, and helps the other person grow. Observ...#worksheet··May 21, 2021Feedback Equation Worksheet
Rephrase to open questions#worksheet#openQuestions#coaching··May 21, 2021Rephrase to open questions
Resources for New Managers by WherewithallTools, worksheets, articles, podcasts, videos, and more to help new managers support their teams.#coaching#engineering management··May 21, 2021Resources for New Managers by Wherewithall
REFRESHED: Defrag Your Calendar WorksheetDefrag Your Calendar Worksheet Instructions: 1. Select File > Make a Copy to add this to your Google...··Mar 13, 2021REFRESHED: Defrag Your Calendar Worksheet