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Visakan Veerasamy on Twitter / X
Visakan Veerasamy on Twitter / X
time and time again i keep finding that pooping is one of the best analogies for talking about emotion. i hesitate to use it because it's a bit gross, but ime it almost always gets the point across simply and clearly— Visakan Veerasamy (@visakanv) January 13, 2024
Visakan Veerasamy on Twitter / X
Jennine on Twitter
Jennine on Twitter
Feel like I can share my story about BetterHelp. During a particularly dark time and being affected by Israeli lobbyist attacks on me and my livelihood, feeling paralysed, lost, I signed up to trial online therapy. How BetterHelp works is that it (cont.)— Jennine (@jennineak) October 11, 2023
Jennine on Twitter
Yishan on Twitter
Yishan on Twitter
I’m going to talk about therapy.The world needs more high-profile people to talk about it, help normalize it, explain why it’s good, and remove the stigma surrounding it. I have what, like 70k followers? That’s enough to start getting the message out there.— Yishan (@yishan) November 5, 2022
Yishan on Twitter