Organic farming matters - just not in the way you think

Food systems
New report: Rethink Food – A Plan for Action – Nature Friendly Farming Netw
Reinventing farming and food post-globalisation | FT Film | Financial Times
Is organic really better for the environment than conventional agriculture?
BBC Earth | Environment, Climate Change, AI, Food, Health, Social, & Technology
Sustainable livestock production is possible
Klaus Pichler's Stunning Photos of Rotting Food Examine Excess of Wasted Fo
this Guardian podcast
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Snorkel rice could feed millions
A WHOLE chicken in a CAN | I Hate My Message Board
MEAT CARDS: Business Cards Made From MEAT AND LASERS
Water shortages go global | Sin aqua non | The Economist
World will not meet 2C warming target, climate change experts agree | Environment | The Guardian
Scott Adams Blog: Training Humans 02/18/2009
Haiti: Mud cakes become staple diet as cost of food soars beyond a family's reach | World news | The Guardian
Alex Renton reports on the effects of the fuel and food crisis in Cambodia | Environment | The Observer
Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars - Independent Online Edition Environment
Livestock's Long Shadow
DEFRA Economics & Statistics - Agricultural Economic Report
The Validity of Food Miles as an Indicator of Sustainable Development.
David Adam on food miles | Climate change | Guardian Unlimited Environment
Why Our Food is So Dependent on Oil | | Peak Oil News Clearinghouse
Guardian Unlimited | Columnists | Tim Dowling: I baked a Snickers pie
London Eating - London Restaurants Guide