Productivity effects of agroecological practices in Africa: insights from a systematic review and meta-analysis - Food Security
From definitions to solutions: Can local food systems sustainably deliver fair rewards for farmers and access to quality food for all? | Sustainable Food Trust
The Oxford Handbook of Food History
You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food? Focus on what you eat, not whether your food is local
Introduction: critical perspectives on food sovereignty
‘Welfare for the rich’: how farm subsidies wrecked Europe’s landscapes
Food security and food sovereignty: Getting past the binary - Jennifer Clapp, 2014
The United Kingdom's Domestic Policy for Agriculture after Brexit
Agriculture after Brexit on JSTOR
Food Economics
Land is back on the agenda
Food is Different
Food is different. It is not just any merchandise or commodity. Food means farming, and farming means rural livelihoods, traditions and cultures, and it means preserving, or destroying, rural landscapes. Farming means rural society, agrarian histories; in many cases, rural areas are the repositories of the cultural legacies of nations and peoples.
The state of sustainable farming in the UK
The measure of agroecology: Developing an assessment framework to capture economic, environmental and social impacts of agriculture and food systems
Agronomy for Sustainable Development
Crop-livestock synergies and by-products recycling: major factors for agroe
Waterford Bioregion Food Manifesto - YouTube
Oiling the Chicken Machine — The New Atlantis
New worlds to build - resilience
Agroecology is critical in the wake of climate change - expert - The Standa
'Regenerative agriculture' is all the rage – but it's not going to fix our
The agricultural transition: Building a sustainable future
Can we fix our failing food systems? Agroecology has answers
Organic farming matters - just not in the way you think
Reinventing farming and food post-globalisation | FT Film | Financial Times
Is organic really better for the environment than conventional agriculture?
Sustainable livestock production is possible