70s sci-fi art: Selections from Rodney Matthew’s immersively...

Twitter / astro_reid: England gleaming in the afternoon ...
SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
Google Maps | Smarty Pins
Work Like a Dog—And Plan to Fail | UNREASONABLE.is
WordPress Themes Suck at Accessibility: It’s Time to Fix It
Mission Creep: WhyDev’s new podcast feat Brendan Rigby, Weh Yeoh and Carly
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Help Clean Up South East London’s Rivers | Londonist
Admit It: We’re All Addicts « girl lost in the city
How Matters / How many aid workers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Revealed: Asian slave labour producing prawns for supermarkets in US, UK |
A Taste of Ghana Tickets, London - Eventbrite
Demolish the 3 Types of Stuck - 99U
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Shell Centre development approved by Eric Pickles faces legal challenge - H
Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days | Talk Video | TED.com
The wrong way to do agile team structure – Daily Genius
DevOps is actually a thing – and people are willing to pay for it • The Cha
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Twitter / HistoryInPics: The Isolator, a helmet invented ...
A Tale of Two Chelseas | The Idiot Gardener
Bobby's Bus Shelter - YouTube
minutes.io — the best meeting tool since pen & paper*
Orwell’s England Number Twenty: The pleasure of hearing a cuckoo punctually
Don’t ask, “What’s my passion?” Ask this instead | Idealist Careers
Blackness ever blackening: my lifetime of depression | Mosaic
Birds on the Wires on Vimeo