How Wolves Change Rivers - YouTube

Asteroid to hurtle past the Earth at 27,000 mph - Telegraph
Facebook’s identity crisis: The one big error that kept it from taking over
Roving Bandit: Why voluntourism might even just do some good
History of Rap 5 (Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake) - YouTube
How to Be a Better Person in 2014 | VICE United Kingdom
Five key questions – and answers – about how our social horizons may shrink
This two-hour fan-made RoboCop remake is the RoboCop remake we deserve
Oxfam - Production and Traffic Manager (COM0025)
Games developer creates Goat Simulator for a laugh, and it looks accidental
How To Create a Sense of Purpose In Your Life
Internet Proficiency Test
If Nelson Mandela really had won, he wouldn't be seen as a universal hero |
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Bill Hader has mastered some oddly specific Star Wars impressions · Newswir
Fail better
David Cameron's (refreshingly honest) new approach - YouTube
Twitter / calire: Liking these stickers #ukgc14 ...
The Curly Bracket Exploiting Config Transformation For Non-Web Applications
Peanut butter hot chocolate… | A GIRL CALLED JACK
Oxfam: $110 trillion owned by top 1% - Video
The problem with “do what you love”
The Verge just got a live tile! | The Verge Forums
Twitter / presentcorrect: SPOILER ALERT. This is how ...