Has veganism become a dirty word?
Only political will can end world hunger: Food isn’t scarce, but many people can’t access it
Food for Thought Talks - Food Museum
AMR, One Health and the environment - Nature Microbiology
Pharming animals: a global history of antibiotics in food production (1935–2017) - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
Agricultural Deskilling and the Spread of Genetically Modified Cotton in Warangal | Current Anthropology: Vol 48, No 1
A Systems Approach to Agroecology
From definitions to solutions: Can local food systems sustainably deliver fair rewards for farmers and access to quality food for all? | Sustainable Food Trust
You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food? Focus on what you eat, not whether your food is local
SocArXiv Papers | Food and place - agricultural migrant workers’ relationships with food and cooking: a photo-elicitation protocol
Food security and food sovereignty: Getting past the binary - Jennifer Clapp, 2014
Diets cannot be sustainable without ensuring the well-being of communities, workers and animals in food value chains | Nature Food