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HistoryMaps | Learn World History Visually with Maps and Timelines
Learn History visually with Interactive 3D Maps, Timelines, Images, and Videos with HistoryMaps. Use the interactive map and timeline to learn where and when something happened. The beautiful images and videos make it even better.
Go inside the Great Pyramid of Giza in 3d. This is the interior three chambers of Khufu Pyramid, also known as the Great Pyramid, on the Giza Plateau. The pyramid interior includes the King's, Queen's, and subterranean chambers as well as the initial excavation tunnel. Credits: This tour was created on-site by the following people: Doctor Wael Fathy, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Inspector Ezzat Salama, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Luke Hollis, Mused Script is by Luke Hollis. Victoria Almansa-Villatoro provided the Spanish translation. 3D scan and guided tour are copyright of Mused, Inc. 2022. All rights reserved.