Become an API-first company | Kong
HTTPie – API testing client that flows with you
API Hub - Free Public & Open Rest APIs | Rapid
tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy. | tRPC
GraphQL – The Guild
WunderGraph Cosmo
Nango - The unified API you can extend
The Collaborative API Development Platform
Postman API Platform | Sign Up for Free
The Backend for Frontend framework
endpts - Getting started
Tinybird · The Way to build Real-time Data Products
PIs, fast
NocoDB Cloud
Xata - The serverless database built for modern development
CloudQuery | An open source high performance data integration platform for developers | CloudQuery
VueEmail: Build and send emails using Vue
Develop and deploy websites and apps in record time | Netlify
Fast Open-Source OLAP DBMS - ClickHouse
TablePlus | Modern, Native Tool for Database Management.
PopSQL - Collaborative SQL Editor - Bring Order to SQL Chaos
Northflank — Deploy any project in seconds, in our cloud or yours.
surrealdb/surrealdb: A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web
Vercel: Develop. Preview. Ship. For the best frontend teams
Antares SQL | Free and Open Source Client
Fauna | The distributed serverless database
Easypanel - The Content Delivery platform that truly Hops!
AirCode - Build serverless functions in a coffee break The open source monitoring platform.