Examining Cognitive Functioning Following TASER Exposure: A Randomized Controlled TrialArticle - Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 29 no. 4, 2015, p.600-607.Taser#Taser#Randomised controlled trials#Physical health·search.ebscohost.com·Sep 17, 2020Examining Cognitive Functioning Following TASER Exposure: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Introduction of the Taser into British policing. Implications for UK emergency departments: an overview of electronic weaponryArticle - Emergency Medicine Journal, Vol. 21 no. 2, 2004, p.136-140.Taser#Taser#UK policing#Use of force#Physical health·search.ebscohost.com·Sep 17, 2020Introduction of the Taser into British policing. Implications for UK emergency departments: an overview of electronic weaponry