Rural criminal collaborations and the food crimes of the countryside: realist social relations theory of illicit venison production.Article - Goodall, O. Crime, Law & Social Change, 2022, Vol. 78 Issue 4, pp. 483-505.#Crimes against animals#Illegal Wildlife Trade#Deer poaching#Hunting#Rural policing#Wildlife crime··Dec 12, 2022Rural criminal collaborations and the food crimes of the countryside: realist social relations theory of illicit venison production.
The reality of rural crime: The unitended consequences of rural policy in the co-production of badger persecution and the illegal taking of deer.Article - Goodall, O. British Journal of Criminology. 2021, Vol. 61 Issue 4, pp. 1005-1025.#Crimes against animals#Illegal Wildlife Trade#Deer poaching#Badger Cull#Wildlife crime··Dec 5, 2022The reality of rural crime: The unitended consequences of rural policy in the co-production of badger persecution and the illegal taking of deer.
Follow the money: using financial investigation to combat wildlife crime.Report - Haenlein, C. and Keatinge, T. 2017. Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies.#Crimes against animals#Illegal Wildlife Trade#Wildlife crime#Organised crime··Dec 12, 2022Follow the money: using financial investigation to combat wildlife crime.
Illicit wildlife markets and the dark web: a scenario of the changing dynamics.Report - Thomaz, F. 2018. The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.#Crimes against animals#Illegal Wildlife Trade#Wildlife crime··Dec 12, 2022Illicit wildlife markets and the dark web: a scenario of the changing dynamics.
Wildlife crime in 2019: a report on the scale of wildlife crime in England and Wales.Report - Wildlife and Countryside Link. 2020.#Crimes against animals#Wildlife crime#Illegal Wildlife Trade#Poaching#Rural policing#Hunting··Dec 12, 2022Wildlife crime in 2019: a report on the scale of wildlife crime in England and Wales.
Using GPS-enabled decoy turtle eggs to track illegal trade.Article - Pheasey, H. et al. Current Biology. 2020, Vol. 30 Issue 19, pp. 1066-1068.#Crimes against animals#Wildlife crime#Illegal Wildlife Trade··Nov 3, 2022Using GPS-enabled decoy turtle eggs to track illegal trade.