Policing domestic violence: a review of the evidenceReport - Dowling, C et al. Australian Institute of Criminology Research resport, No. 13, 2018.#Domestic violence·search.ebscohost.com·Jul 14, 2020Policing domestic violence: a review of the evidence
Intimate partner femicide: using foucauldian analysis to track an eight stage relationship of progressArticle - Monckton-Smith, J. Violence Against Women, Vol. 26 no. 11, 2020, p.1267-1285.#Domestic violence#Homicide·search.ebscohost.com·Jul 14, 2020Intimate partner femicide: using foucauldian analysis to track an eight stage relationship of progress
The Routledge Handbook of Gender and ViolenceeBook - Lombard, N. eds. Routledge, 2017.#Domestic violence#Violence#Intimate partner violence·search.ebscohost.com·Jul 14, 2020The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence
Legal And Criminological PsychologyJournal - search on domestic violence" and "domestic abuse.#Domestic violence·bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com·Dec 12, 2022Legal And Criminological Psychology
Handbook on effective police responses to violence against womenUnited Nations, 2010#Domestic violence#Intimate partner violence·search.ebscohost.com·Jul 14, 2020Handbook on effective police responses to violence against women
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.Journal - search on Domestic Violence and Domestic Abuse.#Domestic violence·link.springer.com·Dec 5, 2022European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.
Aggression and Violent Behavior.Journal- Aggression and Violent Behavior.#Domestic violence·sciencedirect.com·Nov 30, 2022Aggression and Violent Behavior.
Find more... in Police Library Search#Domestic violence#Intimate partner violence·search.ebscohost.com·Sep 3, 2020Find more... in Police Library Search