Government response to the Lammy Review on the treatment of, and outcomes for, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the Criminal Justice System.
Report - Ministry of Justice. 2017. London: Ministry of Justice.
Lammy review: an independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the Criminal Justice System.
Report - Ministry of Justice. 2017. London: Ministry of Justice.
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice | Oxford Academic
Journal - publishes critical analysis and commentary on a wide range of topics including current law enforcement policies, police reform, political and legal developments
Journal - publishes international research on policing institutions and practices, including police policy, legal police powers and management of police organisations.
Journal - Publishes articles on developments in policing, public order, state of safety, community policing, country- or region-specific police organization and more.