

From an association of individuals to communities of persons: how to foster complexity to understand diversity in organizations.
From an association of individuals to communities of persons: how to foster complexity to understand diversity in organizations.
Article - Albert, M-N. and Lazzari Dodeler, N. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 2022, Vol. 35, Issue 8, p.1-12.
From an association of individuals to communities of persons: how to foster complexity to understand diversity in organizations.
Policing and Society
Policing and Society
Journal - publishes international research on policing institutions and practices, including police policy, legal police powers and management of police organisations.
Policing and Society
Police Quarterly
Police Quarterly
Journal - a scholarly journal that publishes empirical studies on issues related to policing.
Police Quarterly
Police Practice and Research
Police Practice and Research
Journal - Publishes articles on developments in policing, public order, state of safety, community policing, country- or region-specific police organization and more.
Police Practice and Research
Emerald Insight.
Emerald Insight.
Database - A selection of Management and Leadership journals and ebooks.
Emerald Insight.