Qualitative research in organizations and management.Journal - Qualitative research in organizations and management.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·emerald.com·Apr 25, 2023Qualitative research in organizations and management.
Journal of organizational effectiveness: people and performance.Journal - Journal of organizational effectiveness: people and performance.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·emerald.com·Apr 25, 2023Journal of organizational effectiveness: people and performance.
Journal of management development.Journal - Journal of management development.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·emerald.com·Apr 25, 2023Journal of management development.
International journal of organization theory & behavior.Journal - International journal of organization theory & behavior.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·emerald.com·Apr 25, 2023International journal of organization theory & behavior.
International journal of public leadership.Journal - International journal of public leadership.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·emerald.com·Apr 25, 2023International journal of public leadership.
Leadership & organization development journal.Journal - Leadership & organization development journal.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·emerald.com·Apr 25, 2023Leadership & organization development journal.
Guidance: record retention and disposition schedules.Report - Ministry of Justice. 2017. London: Ministry of Justice.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Guidance: record retention and disposition schedules.
Deletion of records from National Police Systems (PNC/NDNAD/IDENT1).Report - National Police Chiefs' Council. 2019. London: National Police Chiefs' Council.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Deletion of records from National Police Systems (PNC/NDNAD/IDENT1).
Information Asset Owners handbook.Report - National Police Chiefs' Council. 2018. London: National Police Chiefs' Council.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Information Asset Owners handbook.
National guidance on the minimum standards for the retention and disposal of police records.Report - National Police Chiefs' Council. 2020. London: National Police Chiefs' Council.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023National guidance on the minimum standards for the retention and disposal of police records.
Records, information and data: exploring the role of record-keeping in an information culture.Book - Yeo, G. 2018. London: Facet.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Records, information and data: exploring the role of record-keeping in an information culture.
Lean information management toolkit.Book - Ibbitson, A. and Smith, R.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Lean information management toolkit.
Information security management principles.eBook - Alexander, D. et al. 2013. 3rd edition. Swindon: British Computer Society.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·search.ebscohost.com·Apr 17, 2023Information security management principles.
Records management and information culture: tackling the people problem.Book - Oliver, G. and Foscarini, F. 2014. London: Facet Publishing.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Records management and information culture: tackling the people problem.
Accountability system statement for policing and crime reduction.Report - Home Office. 2015. London: Home Office.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Accountability system statement for policing and crime reduction.
Policing in austerity: rising to the challenge. Compendium. Practical examples from the 2013 valuing the police inspections.Report - Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary. 2014. London: H.M.I.C.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Policing in austerity: rising to the challenge. Compendium. Practical examples from the 2013 valuing the police inspections.
Value for money profiles.Website - His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·justiceinspectorates.gov.uk·Apr 17, 2023Value for money profiles.
Policing in an age of austerity.Book - Ellison, G. and Brogden, M. 2012. London: Routledge.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Policing in an age of austerity.
Police and crime commissioners: the transformation of police accountability.Book - Caless, B. and Owens, J. 2016. Bristol: Policy Press.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Police and crime commissioners: the transformation of police accountability.
Trends in criminal justice spending, staffing and populations.Report - Ford, M. 2017. London: Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Trends in criminal justice spending, staffing and populations.
[Superseded] NPCC data sharing share with confidence guidance.Report - National Police Cheif's Council. 2022. London: National Police Cheif's Council.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023[Superseded] NPCC data sharing share with confidence guidance.
Crisis leadership: how to lead in times of crisis, threat and uncertainty.Book - Johnson, T. 2017. London: Bloomsbury.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Crisis leadership: how to lead in times of crisis, threat and uncertainty.
Policing uncertainty, decisions and actions in a national emergency: a report on a study of policing leadership and decision-making in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.Report - Fenton-O'Creevy, M. et al. 2022. Milton Keynes: Open University.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Policing uncertainty, decisions and actions in a national emergency: a report on a study of policing leadership and decision-making in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Applying “spidey sense”: emotional intelligence and police decision-making at domestic incidents.Thesis - Eason, A. 2019. PHD Thesis, University of Portsmouth.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Applying “spidey sense”: emotional intelligence and police decision-making at domestic incidents.
[Decommissioned] National decision model.Report - Association of Chief Police Officers. 2012. London: Association of Chief Police Officers.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023[Decommissioned] National decision model.
National decision model.Website - College of Policing.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023National decision model.
Fundamental review of the College of Policing: boosting professionalism, improving leadership, and driving consistency.Report - College of Policing. 2022. Ryton-on-Dunsmore: College of Policing.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Fundamental review of the College of Policing: boosting professionalism, improving leadership, and driving consistency.
Decision making in police enquiries and critical incidents: what really works?eBook - Roycroft, M. and Roach, J. 2019. London: Palgrave Pivot.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·search.ebscohost.com·Apr 17, 2023Decision making in police enquiries and critical incidents: what really works?
Police research and evidence-based policing.eBook - Spooner, E. et al. 2022. St Albans: Critical Publishing.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·search.ebscohost.com·Apr 17, 2023Police research and evidence-based policing.
Affective domain and police values education: is the former used to convey the latter in support of the national decision model?Article - Lax, M. Police Journal. 2014, Vol. 87 no. 2, p.126-138.#Leadership#Operational and Work Based Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 17, 2023Affective domain and police values education: is the former used to convey the latter in support of the national decision model?