Implementing evidence based research : a how to guide for police organisations.eBook - Huey, L. 2021. Bristol: Policy Press.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Implementing evidence based research : a how to guide for police organisations.
Twenty-one mental models that can change policing.eBook - Mitchell, R. 2022. New York: Routledge.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Twenty-one mental models that can change policing.
Problem-oriented policing: successful case studies.Book - Scott, M. 2020. Abingdon: Routledge.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Problem-oriented policing: successful case studies.
Stratified policing: an organisational model for proactive crime reduction and accountability.eBook - Santos, R. and Santos, R. 2020. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Stratified policing: an organisational model for proactive crime reduction and accountability.
Police innovation: contrasting perspectives. 2nd ed.Book - Weisburd, D. and Braga, A. A. 2019. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Police innovation: contrasting perspectives. 2nd ed.
Problem-oriented policing and partnerships: Implementing an evidence-based approach to crime reduction.Book - Bullock, K. et al. 2012. London: Routledge.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Problem-oriented policing and partnerships: Implementing an evidence-based approach to crime reduction.
Inclusive leadership: transforming diverse lives, workplaces, and societies.eBook - Ferdman, B. M, Prime, J. and Riggo, R. E. 2021. Abingdon: Routledge.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Inclusive leadership: transforming diverse lives, workplaces, and societies.
Managing health and wellbeing in the public sector: a guide to best practice.Book - Cooper, C. L. and Hesketh, I. 2018. Abingdon: Routledge.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Managing health and wellbeing in the public sector: a guide to best practice.
Wellbeing at work: how to design, implement and evaluate an effective strategy.Book - Cooper, G. and Hesketh, I. 2019. London: Kogan Page.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Wellbeing at work: how to design, implement and evaluate an effective strategy.
Organisational interventions for health and well-being: a handbook for evidence-based practice.Book - Neilson, K. and Noblet, A. eds. 2018. Abingdon: Routledge.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Organisational interventions for health and well-being: a handbook for evidence-based practice.
When trauma survivors return to work: understanding emotional recovery : a handbook for managers and co-workers.eBook - Barski-Carrow, B. 2010. Lanham, Maryland: Unversity Press of America.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023When trauma survivors return to work: understanding emotional recovery : a handbook for managers and co-workers.
Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. 14th edition.Book - Armstrong, M. 2017. London: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. 14th edition.
Sage handbook of organizational wellbeing.eBook - Wall, T. 2021. London: Sage.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Sage handbook of organizational wellbeing.
Rapport: the four ways to read people and talk to anyone in any situation.Book - Alison, Emily and Lawrence, 2020. London: Vermilion.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Rapport: the four ways to read people and talk to anyone in any situation.
The imposter cure: how to stop feeling like a fraud and escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome.Book - Hibberd, Dr Jessamy, 2019. New Jersey: Aster.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#Leadership International#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023The imposter cure: how to stop feeling like a fraud and escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome.
Behavioural skills for effective policing: the service speaks.eBook. Kilgallon, M. and Wright, M. 2021. St Albans: Critical.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Behavioural skills for effective policing: the service speaks.
The leader habit: master the skills you need to lead in just minutes a day.Book - Lanik, Martin. 2018. New York: Amacom.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023The leader habit: master the skills you need to lead in just minutes a day.
Leadership in Organizations. 9th ed.Book - Yukl, Gary. and Gardner, William. 2019. Harlow: Pearson.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Leadership in Organizations. 9th ed.
Leadership is language: the hidden power of what you say and what you don’t.Audio book - Marquet, David L. 2020. London: Hamilton.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Leadership is language: the hidden power of what you say and what you don’t.
The small big: small changes that spark big influence.eBook - Cialdini, Robert B. et al. 2014. London: Profile Books.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023The small big: small changes that spark big influence.
Turn the ship around!: a true story of turning followers into leaders.Book - Marquet, David. 2015. London: Penguin.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Turn the ship around!: a true story of turning followers into leaders.
Daring greatly: how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead.Audio book - Brown, Brene. 2018. London: Penguin.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Daring greatly: how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead.
The six attributes of a leadership mindset.Book - Britto, Joe. 2019. London: Bloomsbury.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023The six attributes of a leadership mindset.
The Promises of Giants.Book - Amaechi, John. 2021. Boston: Nicholas Brealey.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023The Promises of Giants.
Law enforcement, leadership and wellbeing: creating resilience.eBook - Hesketh, Ian. 2023. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Law enforcement, leadership and wellbeing: creating resilience.
Leadership: theory and practice. 9th ed.Book - Northouse, Peter G. 2021. London: Sage.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Leadership: theory and practice. 9th ed.
Police chiefs in the UK: politicians, HR managers or cops?Book - Roycroft, M. 2016. London: Springer.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Police chiefs in the UK: politicians, HR managers or cops?
Critical perspective on police leadership.eBook - Davis, Claire, and Silverstri, Marisa. 2020 Bristol: Policy Press.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Critical perspective on police leadership.
Organizational leadership.Book - Bratton, John 2020. London: Sage.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023Organizational leadership.
No bullsh*t leadership: why the world needs more everyday leaders and why that leader is you.eBook - Hirst, Chris 2019. Bristol: Policy Press.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders··Apr 4, 2023No bullsh*t leadership: why the world needs more everyday leaders and why that leader is you.