Effects of a cognitive-behavioral stress intervention on the motivation and psychological well-being of senior UK police personnel.Article - Jones, J. et al. 2020. International Journal of Stress Management. 28, 1, pp.46-60.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Effects of a cognitive-behavioral stress intervention on the motivation and psychological well-being of senior UK police personnel.
Motivation for transformational leadership scale: an examination of the factor structure and initial tests.Article - Gilbert, S. et al. 2016. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 37, 2, pp.158-180.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Motivation for transformational leadership scale: an examination of the factor structure and initial tests.
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Transformational leader attributes: interpersonal skills, engagement, and well-being.Article - Mencl, J. et al. 2016. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 37 No. 5, pp. 635-657.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Transformational leader attributes: interpersonal skills, engagement, and well-being.
Leadership style and the process of organizational change.Article - Holten, A. & Brenner, S. 2015. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 36, 1, pp.2-16.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Leadership style and the process of organizational change.
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Police culture and transformational leadership: outlining the contours of a troubled relationshipArticle - Cockroft, T. 2014. Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice. 8, 1, p5-13.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Police culture and transformational leadership: outlining the contours of a troubled relationship
Police members perception of their leaders’ leadership style and its implications.Article - Swid, A. 2014. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 37, 3, pp.579-595.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 18, 2023Police members perception of their leaders’ leadership style and its implications.
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Problem-oriented policing.Website - College of Policing, 2017.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Problem-oriented policing.
Problem-solving policing.Website - College of Policing, 2023.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Problem-solving policing.
Special issue: stress, health, and wellness in policing: understanding and addressing complex issues.Report - Rineer, J. R. et al. 2021. Policing: An International Journal: Vol. 44 Iss. 2.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·emerald.com·Apr 5, 2023Special issue: stress, health, and wellness in policing: understanding and addressing complex issues.
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Values based recruitment and selection: guidance for using the competency and values framework in recruitment and selectionReport - College of Policing, 2018. Coventry: College of Policing.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Values based recruitment and selection: guidance for using the competency and values framework in recruitment and selection
Police chiefs in the UK: politicians, HR managers or cops?Book - Roycroft, M. 2016. London: Springer.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Police chiefs in the UK: politicians, HR managers or cops?
Leadership expectationsReport - College of Policing, 2022. Coventry: College of Policing.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Leadership expectations
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Police leadership and integrity: implications from a research programme.Report - Quinton, P. 2015. Coventry: College of Policing.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Police leadership and integrity: implications from a research programme.
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Leadership, wellbeing, professional development and innovation for the police front line: an evidence review.Report - Ordon, G. et al. 2019. London: Home Office.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Leadership, wellbeing, professional development and innovation for the police front line: an evidence review.
What makes great police leadership? What research can tell us about the effectiveness of different leadership styles, competencies and behaviours. A rapid evidence review.Report - Campbell, I. and Kodz, J. 2022. London: NPIA.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023What makes great police leadership? What research can tell us about the effectiveness of different leadership styles, competencies and behaviours. A rapid evidence review.
Problem-oriented policing in England and Wales 2019.Report - Sidebottom, A. et al. 2020. London: College of Policing.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 5, 2023Problem-oriented policing in England and Wales 2019.
Rapport: the four ways to read people and talk to anyone in any situation.Book - Alison, E. and Alison, L. 2020. London: Vermilion.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 4, 2023Rapport: the four ways to read people and talk to anyone in any situation.
Police leadership: rising to the top.Book - Fleming, J. 2015. Oxford: Oxford University Press.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 4, 2023Police leadership: rising to the top.
Police leadership: changing landscapes.eBook - Ramshaw, P. 2019. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.#Leadership#Personal Leadership#First Line Leaders·library.college.police.uk·Apr 4, 2023Police leadership: changing landscapes.